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Learn How to Regrip a Putter in 5 Easy Steps – Expert Guide

Gather up your tools and materials to give your putter an upgrade. You’ll need a new grip, tape, solvent, double-sided tape strips, a utility knife, and something to secure your putter in place.

Secure the putter in a vise or golf shaft holder, then use a utility knife or razor to remove the old grip. Clean the shaft with solvent to get rid of residue.

Wrap grip tape tightly around the shaft in overlapping layers, starting near where you’ll place your hands. Cut off the excess with your knife.

Apply solvent inside the new grip, and slide it onto the shaft until it reaches the bottom. Twist it to secure it in place.

Practice with your new putter to feel the improved control and precision. With enough practice, your performance will soon get better!

Now is the time to regrip and take your game to the next level. Get ready for a better golfing experience!

Tools and materials needed for regripping a putter

Regripping your putter is a chance to customize your equipment and improve your golfing game. Here are the necessities you’ll need to get started:

  • A suitable putter grip in the size, material, and texture of your liking.
  • Grip tape to secure the grip to the shaft.
  • Solvent to lubricate and allow for easy installation and adjustment.
  • A vice clamp to keep the putter in place during the regripping.
  • A utility knife or scissors to trim the grip tape.
  • A towel or cloth for cleaning the putter shaft and wiping off any excess solvent.

Having a few extra items on hand may come in handy, but the key is to have the essential tools and best quality materials.

Someone I know recently gave their putter a makeover with a premium leather grip. Using solvent and grip tape, they removed the old grip. Then, they wiped down the shaft and applied new grip tape to the handle. The result? Improved control and confidence in every stroke.

So why not give it a try? Grab the right tools and materials, and you can regrip your putter with ease. You’ll be thankful for the improved putting skills!

Step-by-step instructions for regripping a putter

Re-gripping a putter? Follow these 4 simple steps for a secure and comfortable grip:

  1. Peel off the old grip. Use a knife or grip solvent to loosen the adhesive. Carefully remove the grip, avoiding damage to the shaft.
  2. Clean the shaft. Use grip solvent and a cloth to remove any remaining adhesive or dirt.
  3. Wrap double-sided grip tape around the entire length of the shaft, making sure it fits snugly with no gaps/overlaps.
  4. Slide the new grip onto the shaft until it fits snugly. Apply grip solvent inside it for lubrication and align with any desired markings.

Pro Tip: Get a professional club fitter or instructor to help select and install the new putter grip for the best positioning and alignment. Leave the grip undisturbed for 24 hours for an extra secure hold.

Tips and tricks for a successful regripping process

Givin’ your putter a fresh grip can make a huge difference in your golfing skills. To make sure it goes right, follow these tips:

  • Pick the right grip size for your hands. Too small or too large won’t let you swing or control the putter well.
  • Take off the old grip and clean the shaft with a solvent. That’ll guarantee good adhesion for the new grip.
  • Put double-sided grip tape on the entire shaft. Press it hard to get rid of any air bubbles.
  • Before slipping on the grip, apply grip solvent to both inside and outside of the tape. It’ll let you easily install and adjust it.
  • Align the grip properly with alignment aids, or marks on the shaft and grip.
  • Slide the grip on while rotating it slightly. That’ll spread the solvent evenly. Press it until it’s fully seated.

Pro Tip: Wait 24 hours before usin’ the grip after you install it. That’ll make sure it sticks and lasts.

These tricks will help you regrip your putter with no trouble. Now show that green who’s boss! No matter how the regripping turns out, the important thing is to have fun on the golf course.


We’ve seen how to regrip a putter, with step-by-step instructions. Now, let’s review what we’ve learned!

  1. Regripping a putter can boost your putting performance. A new grip boosts control and feel, helping you make more accurate putts.
  2. It’s essential to pick the right grip. Texture, size, and material all play a part. Choose a grip that works for you.
  3. The regripping process is simple. You can do it yourself with basic tools and supplies.

Finally, it can be worth seeking professional help. A repair shop or golf pro can do the job right.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I regrip my putter?

It is recommended to regrip your putter every year or every 40 rounds, whichever comes first. Over time, the grip on your putter will wear out and lose its tackiness, affecting your control and feel on the greens.

2. What tools do I need to regrip a putter?

To regrip a putter, you will need a few basic tools including a putter grip solvent, a grip tape strip, grip solvent activator, a vise or clamp, and a utility knife. These tools will help you remove the old grip and install the new one securely.

3. How do I remove the old putter grip?

To remove the old putter grip, start by securing the putter in a vise or clamp. Then, use a utility knife to carefully cut the grip lengthwise from top to bottom. Peel off the cut grip and remove any remaining adhesive. Clean the shaft with grip solvent to ensure a clean surface for the new grip.

4. How do I install a new putter grip?

Before installing a new grip, apply grip tape to the shaft. Start by wrapping the grip tape tightly from the bottom of the shaft to the top, overlapping the edges slightly. Once the tape is applied, pour some grip solvent into the new grip and swirl it around to coat the interior. Slide the grip onto the shaft, ensuring it is aligned properly, and let it dry for a few hours before use.

5. Can I regrip my putter myself or should I seek professional help?

Regripping a putter can be done by yourself if you have the necessary tools and instructions. However, if you are unsure or uncomfortable doing it yourself, it is always advisable to seek professional help from a golf club repair shop or a qualified club fitter.

6. How do I maintain the new putter grip?

To maintain the new putter grip, clean it regularly with mild soap and water to remove dirt and sweat. Avoid using harsh chemicals or solvents as they can damage the grip material. Additionally, store your putter in a cool, dry place to prolong the life of the grip.

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Liam Drake, an avid golfer and seasoned outdoor enthusiast, brings his passion for the greens to his golfing blog. With years of experience swinging clubs and exploring courses around the world, Liam shares his insights, tips, and personal stories to inspire and guide fellow golf lovers. Whether it's breaking down the latest gear, navigating challenging courses, or just sharing a memorable round, Liam's blog is a treasure trove for anyone who shares his love for the game.

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