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Mastering the Long Putter Technique: Non-Anchoring Tips for Optimal Performance

Golfers used to rely on the now-banned anchored long putters. But, fear not! There are techniques to use them without anchoring. Follow these guidelines to keep up your putting prowess while following the new rules.

  1. First off, understand the difference between anchoring and non-anchoring with long putters. Anchoring means physically securing the club against your body. Non-anchoring is more traditional with no part braced against your body.
  2. To use a long putter without anchoring, grip with a light hold. Avoid squeezing too tight; it hinders movement and control. Align your shoulders with the target line.
  3. Adjust your stance for balance and stability. Feet should be shoulder-width apart with weight equally spread.
  4. Focus on a smooth pendulum motion with your arms and shoulders. Achieve a natural rhythm without manipulating the club. Many pros have found success with this technique when transitioning away from anchoring.

Understanding the Long Putter and Anchoring

To understand the long putter and anchoring, delve into their key concepts. Discover what a long putter is and how it differs from traditional putters. Explore the concept of anchoring and its impact on the use of long putters. Unravel the intricacies and gain clarity on this technique in golf.

What is a long putter?

A long putter is a type of golf club that is longer than a standard putter. It’s used to stabilize the hands and arms while putting. This design anchors the club against the body, giving more stability and reducing unwanted movements.

Using a long putter can be great for golfers who have trouble with consistency in their putting. The extra length helps give a better posture. This can mean better alignment and more accuracy when on the greens.

Plus, the anchor technique with a long putter reduces wrist movement for a smoother stroke. This minimizes hand and arm motion, creating a more controlled and consistent putting stroke. The result? Better scores!

However, it’s important to remember that using a long putter needs proper technique and practice. Golfers must keep grip pressure steady and stay balanced throughout the stroke. Plus, it’s essential to find the right length for your height and setup.

Pro Tip: When using a long putter, experiment with different grip styles and positions. Find what feels comfortable for you. Practice regularly to develop muscle memory and refine your putting skills with this special club.

What is anchoring?

Anchoring golf clubs is a technique used to stabilize against the body. It involves gripping the end of the club to a fixed point, like the chest or belly, for more control and stability. This reduces tremors and unwanted movements.

Recently, anchoring has caused debate in golf. Traditionalists argue it goes against the spirit of the game and gives an unfair advantage. They claim it takes away the challenge of making a good stroke and reduces the skill needed to master it.

Proponents of anchoring say it’s a solution for those who find difficulty with conventional putting. They believe everyone should have access to methods that improve their game and make it more enjoyable.

In 2013, anchoring was banned in competitions by major golf organizations like the USGA and R&A. This decision was met with both support and criticism. Some welcomed it to preserve tradition and fairness, while others felt it targeted certain individuals who had developed successful careers relying on anchored putters.

Finding a balance between innovation and tradition is important when it comes to anchoring. Attempting it without anchoring is like trying to sneak a snack into a movie theater without making a sound. It’s not easy or recommended.

Legalities of Using a Long Putter Without Anchoring

To ensure compliance with the rule changes, employ the legalities of using a long putter without anchoring. Gain a better understanding of this topic by exploring an overview of the rule changes and the reasons behind their implementation.

Overview of the rule changes

Recent years saw changes to rules about using a long putter without anchoring. This brought important considerations for golfers wanting to use this technique. A table below explains the key aspects:

Rule Change Explanation
Ban on Anchoring No anchoring the butt end of the putter against any part of the body – no bracing or ‘anchoring’ it against the forearm/belly.
Freely Holding Allowed to hold club with one/both hands while freely swinging, except for direct anchoring against any body part.
Arm Placement Position of arms unrestricted, so various techniques/grips can be used without breaking rules.

These changes give golfers more freedom in how they grip/swing a long putter, but still forbid anchoring against the body. The alteration aims to promote fairness and keep consistency across all levels of competition.

The R&A and USGA (Royal and Ancient Golf Club/United States Golf Association) made these changes after considering professional players, amateurs, & stakeholders of golfing community.

Why the rule changes were implemented

The rule change about long putters was to get rid of potential unfair advantages. It wanted to make putting techniques the same for all players. Anchoring the club against any part of the body was stopped. This was to make sure skill, and not equipment, was the most important thing. Golf’s rules were made similar for all clubs, to keep fairness.

Discussions between golf officials, pros and other people happened before the rule change. They took into account feedback, studies and history. This helped them make a decision that would shape the future of putting. A proper grip and setup are vital for a long putter – don’t want to look like a confused octopus!

Proper Grip and Setup for Using a Long Putter

To improve your technique in using a long putter without anchoring, master a proper grip and setup. Choose the right grip, establish the correct stance, and align your body and clubface. These steps are integral to achieving consistency and control in your putting stroke.

Choosing the right grip

Golfers often use a traditional, overlapping grip with a long putter. This involves placing the left hand on top of the right hand (for right-handed players), and interlocking fingers for stability and control.

An alternative is the cross-handed grip. Here, the left hand is below the right hand on the club handle (for right-handed players). This grip minimizes wrist movement for smoother strokes.

The claw grip is a variation, where the top hand has an extended index finger, instead of wrapping it around the handle. This adds stability and control for those who have consistency issues.

To get the best results, golfers should experiment with the different grips until they find one that feels comfortable and suits their putting style. Some may choose a more relaxed hold for better feel and touch, while others may prefer a firmer grip for better control.

When choosing a grip, it is important to avoid gripping the putter too tightly. This restricts natural movement in the hands and wrists, resulting in inconsistent strokes. A light, yet secure grip allows for fluid motion.

By selecting a grip that matches your technique and preferences, you can improve your putting performance with a long putter. Plus, don’t forget the crucial stance – otherwise, you’ll be building a leaning tower with your putter!

Establishing the correct stance

  1. For correct posture, position feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. This will give stability and balance.
  2. Align feet parallel to the target line for accuracy.
  3. Bend from the waist, with a straight and relaxed back. This provides a comfy and natural position for rotation.
  4. Lead hand should be ahead of the ball, grip slightly down the shaft. Trail hand should be below the lead hand – creating a pendulum-like motion.
  5. For even grounding of feet, balance is important. Smooth and consistent putts come from a balanced stance.
  6. Consistency is the key to good putting. Follow these guidelines and practice regularly to enhance performance. Golf Week confirms: following these steps will help golfers improve their putting skills.

My golf game’s a mess – but at least I didn’t end up looking like a human pretzel with a crooked putter!

Aligning your body and clubface

Achieve body and clubface alignment with 6 steps! Follow these steps and adjust to your needs to improve your performance on the green:

  1. Stand behind the ball.
  2. Align your feet parallel to the intended line of your putt.
  3. Make sure the clubface is perpendicular to the target line.
  4. Assume an open stance.
  5. Keep your posture solid.
  6. Utilize visual aids for help.

Everyone has different preferences. Bernhard Langer popularized using a long putter in the 1990s. Mastering alignment brings accuracy and consistency to your putting.

Creating a Pendulum Putting Stroke

To create a pendulum putting stroke with the long putter without anchoring, understand the pendulum motion and practice the pendulum stroke. The pendulum motion involves a smooth arc-like movement, while practicing the pendulum stroke hones your technique. Mastering these sub-sections will help you develop a consistent and effective putting stroke with a long putter.

Explaining the pendulum motion

The pendulum motion is an essential part of golf putting. It’s like a swinging pendulum. Keeping arms and wrists relaxed and using shoulders as the pivot point allows for a stable and repeatable stroke, offering better consistency and improved accuracy. Tempo is also important when it comes to the pendulum motion. Finding the right rhythm and controlling the swing are essential for executing successful putts.

This concept of the pendulum motion dates back centuries to Old Tom Morris. He introduced this technique in the mid-19th century to enhance precision on the greens. Since then, it’s been a staple of golfing culture, taught to aspiring golfers all over the world.

Swing into action and practice your pendulum stroke! Putting like a pro is just one swing away from a hole-in-one!

Practicing the pendulum stroke

  1. Step 1: Set Up Position.
  2. Line up your feet, hips, and shoulders in a parallel direction to the target. This creates a strong foundation for the stroke.

  3. Step 2: Grip and Stance.
  4. Grasp the putter lightly but firmly. Remain relaxed and slightly flexed, with weight equally distributed.

  5. Step 3: Pendulum Motion.
  6. Swing your arms and putter back and through in a smooth pendulum motion. No jerky movements or too much force.

  7. Step 4: Practice with Precision.
  8. Practice this technique regularly. Start with short putts and increase the distance as you gain confidence. Keep a steady rhythm and eyes on the ball during the entire stroke.

    Remember: each golfer has their own style and preferences. Experimenting with grip pressure, putter length, and alignment aids might help.

    I saw an amateur golfer struggle until they focused on perfecting the pendulum stroke. After practicing it diligently, their accuracy improved drastically and led to better scores. Knowing when and how to use this skill can make a huge difference in one’s golf game.

Maintaining Consistency and Stability

To maintain consistency and stability in your golf game, utilize the techniques described in this section on “Maintaining Consistency and Stability” with a focus on “Developing a steady rhythm” and “Balancing the clubhead and your body.” These sub-sections will provide you with effective solutions for improving your long putter technique without anchoring.

Developing a steady rhythm

Prioritize tasks. Identify which are most important and allocate time and energy to them.

Create a schedule. Allocate realistic time for each task and factor in breaks.

Stick to your routine. Be consistent and avoid distractions.

Find motivation. Remind yourself of the end goal or reward.

Everybody’s rhythm is different so take time to know what works best. Establishing a steady rhythm leads to stability and success. Embrace the challenge and reap the rewards!

Balancing the clubhead and your body

Solid footing is key for a successful swing. Distribute weight evenly and keep your head centered over the ball. Engage core muscles to maintain stability. Coordinate arms, hands and shoulders with lower body for a smooth swing.

Practice drills that challenge your balance, like swinging with one leg lifted, or hitting shots from an uneven lie. Balance may vary based on individual body mechanics and club characteristics – practice and experimentation will help you find what works best for you.

Don’t forget to work on technical aspects, like grip and posture, as well as physical conditioning for core strength, flexibility and balance. Consistent training will lead to stable results on the course. Find equilibrium between the clubhead and your body – embrace the challenge and watch it become second nature!

Fine-Tuning Your Technique

To fine-tune your technique in using a long putter without anchoring, turn your attention to the section “Fine-Tuning Your Technique”. With a focus on adjusting the length and loft of the putter and finding the optimal ball position, you’ll discover effective solutions for enhancing your putt performance.

Adjusting the length and loft of the putter

Measure right! Measure your current putter from the ground to the top of the grip. Also, measure the loft angle (the angle between the face and a flat surface).

To adjust the length, hold the putter with a relaxed grip. It should reach above your wrists. For loft adjustment, use a bending machine or get professional help.

Test out the changes on the practice green. Finetune as needed – grip size, weight distribution, and balance – can affect how you strike the ball. Pro tip: Small changes are better than drastic ones. Who needs GPS when your ball’s optimal position can guide you?

Finding the optimal ball position

To locate the ideal ball position, many factors must be weighed. First, assess your preferred shooting or passing technique. Every technique needs different ball placement to get the desired result. Smaller changes in positioning can help you find what works for you.

Next, think about your body’s alignment and balance when choosing the ball position. Your stance can have a big effect on shot accuracy and stability when hitting the ball. Find a comfortable stance that lets you generate maximum power and have control of the ball.

External factors like wind direction or playing surface are also critical for finding the perfect ball position. These conditions can influence how the ball reacts when hit and should be taken into consideration during practice or matches. Adapt your positioning to get the best performance in different circumstances.

To get better on the field, make sure to invest time and effort in fine-tuning your technique, including finding the optimal ball position. Regular practice drills focusing on certain techniques can provide insights into increasing power and precision in your shots or passes.

Don’t miss out on this key part of soccer. Knowing the perfect ball position will give you an edge and improve your whole game. Take this chance to grow and become a more powerful player on the field. But be careful: making mistakes during fine-tuning can cause your technique to be as dull as a butter knife!

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To avoid common mistakes when using a long putter without anchoring, employ proper techniques. Grip the putter lightly instead of tightly and maintain control throughout the stroke. Refrain from flinching or jerking during the stroke for improved consistency. These adjustments in gripping and stroke execution will enhance your putting proficiency with the long putter.

Gripping the putter too tightly

To avoid this mistake, it’s important to know that a light grip on the putter is key for top performance. Loosen your grip and let your wrists move more easily, leading to a smoother stroke. This relaxed approach also helps to reduce muscle tension. It allows for a more precise and controlled putt.

Additionally, it’s essential to find a comfy hand position on the putter. Try out different grips until you find one that feels natural and keeps your touch light. Remember, everyone’s hands are different.

The value of avoiding a tight grip is seen in the story of Sam Snead. He was one of golf’s best and knew that too much pressure affected putting. He changed his grip to a lighter one. This helped his putting and had a big impact on his overall success.

Quick tip: To avoid looking like you’re swatting a fly, try not to jerk or flinch during your stroke. Unless you want to add some extra sprinkles of embarrassment to your game.

Flinching or jerking during the stroke

Position yourself correctly: Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. This will make a stable base for your stroke.

Focus on relaxation: Muscles loose and no tension before or during the stroke. Take deep breaths to stay calm. Smooth and controlled movements in your stroke. Visualize a fluid motion.

Flinching or jerking can be caused by fear, lack of confidence, or past water experiences.

One athlete was flinching during her strokes early. Despite her training, she couldn’t keep her composure in tense situations. It was only after mental conditioning and visualization that she succeeded.

Mastering any skill takes time and dedication. Focus on relaxation and smooth movements to avoid flinching or jerking and improve your performance. Remember, mistakes can be common but learning from them is an uncommon talent.


We’ve looked into techniques and strategies for using a long putter without anchoring. We looked at the stroke, grip, posture, and alignment. So you can use a long putter and stick to the rules.

Let’s go further. Tempo is vital. Keep smooth and consistent for accuracy and distance control. Wrist action must be stable and controlled too. This helps ensure a consistent stroke.

Unlock putter potential. Get resources and references. You’re not getting any younger or better at golf!

Additional Resources and References

Golf has many resources and references to aid players in their game. These useful materials provide extra support and assistance, allowing individuals to build their abilities and knowledge in the sport. Here’s what to look out for:

  • Online Tutorials: Many golf websites have videos with step-by-step instructions on how to use a long putter without anchoring. This teaches players how to form successful methods.
  • Books by Experts: Famous golf masters have written books about using a long putter without anchoring. These are great for those who want to boost their putting habits.
  • Golf Forums: Internet forums for golfers have experienced people who can give advice on using a long putter without anchoring.
  • Coaching Sessions: Professional golf teachers offer sessions to teach how to use a long putter successfully. These sessions are tailored to personal needs, providing useful tips.
  • Training Aids: Items such as alignment tools and putting mats help players to get better at using a long putter. This supports muscle memory and improves greens performance.

It takes patience, practice, and focus to become good at using a long putter without anchoring. Utilizing these resources can help golfers comprehend the skills needed to be a master.

A remarkable story of golfers changing from anchored putting styles to the pursuit of excellence without anchors is inspiring. They have faced difficulties while learning new techniques and meeting rule changes. This shows the strength and adaptability of players, expressing their commitment to golf.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs – How to Use a Long Putter without Anchoring

Q1: What is a long putter?

A long putter is a type of golf club designed for use on the putting green. It features an extended length shaft that allows players to adopt a different putting technique compared to traditional putters.

Q2: What does it mean to anchor a putter?

Anchoring a putter refers to the technique of holding the club against a part of the body, such as the chest or forearm, to create stability during the putting stroke. This technique has been banned in professional golf since 2016.

Q3: Can I still use a long putter without anchoring?

Yes, you can still use a long putter without anchoring. Although the anchoring technique is no longer allowed, you can utilize a long putter by gripping it with your hands away from your body for a more conventional stroke.

Q4: What are the advantages of using a long putter?

Using a long putter can provide several advantages: increased stability, reduced wrist movement, improved control over the stroke, and a more comfortable putting posture. It can be particularly beneficial for golfers with back or shoulder issues.

Q5: How do I grip a long putter without anchoring?

To grip a long putter without anchoring, position it against your lead hand’s palm and grip it with your fingers. Maintain a light grip pressure and ensure both hands work together throughout the putting stroke.

Q6: Are there any specific rules or guidelines for using a long putter without anchoring?

While there are no specific rules for using a long putter without anchoring, it’s important to ensure that you do not allow any part of the club to touch your body during the stroke. This will ensure compliance with the USGA and R&A regulations.

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Liam Drake, an avid golfer and seasoned outdoor enthusiast, brings his passion for the greens to his golfing blog. With years of experience swinging clubs and exploring courses around the world, Liam shares his insights, tips, and personal stories to inspire and guide fellow golf lovers. Whether it's breaking down the latest gear, navigating challenging courses, or just sharing a memorable round, Liam's blog is a treasure trove for anyone who shares his love for the game.

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