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Perfect Your Putting: A Guide to Fitting Yourself for a Putter

Fitting a putter is key for improved precision and control on the greens. But how do you even start? Understand your putting stroke: arcing or straight back and through? You can then look into head styles, shaft lengths, face inserts, and grip options. Experimenting with different combinations helps you find what works best. Professional help can make your fitting experience even better. Don’t settle for less.

Take the time to fit yourself for a putter that meets your needs and preferences. You’ll gain confidence in every putt and elevate your game. And don’t forget to check your zipper before teeing off!

Importance of Fitting a Putter

Fitting a putter is key to peak performance on the greens. Ensuring proper alignment, grip, and length leads to more consistent and accurate strokes.

When fitting a putter, take into account factors like height, stance, and stroke mechanics. The length should be tailored to the posture for a comfortable setup that encourages a natural pendulum motion.

Grip size and style are also critical. Ensure the grip matches the golfer’s hand size, while providing enough feel and control. Different grips offer various levels of stability and responsiveness. Experiment to find the best one.

Weight distribution in the putter is essential. Consider the golfer’s stroke tempo when choosing between a face-balanced or toe-hang design. This ensures consistent face alignment for improved accuracy.

To illustrate the importance of fitting, here’s a story. I watched a golfer struggle with his putting at the driving range. He was using a poorly-fitted putter that hindered alignment and distance control. So, I recommended getting fitted for a putter that fit his needs. His performance improved immediately. This shows how fitting can revolutionize the game on the greens.

Gather Necessary Tools and Equipment

To collect the necessary tools and equipment for fitting yourself for a putter, you’ll need to ensure you have the appropriate items on hand. Here’s a concise guide to help you gather what you need:

  1. Measuring Tape: Make sure you have a measuring tape to accurately measure your height, arm length, and hand size. This will aid in determining the appropriate putter length and grip size.
  2. Alignment Tools: Include alignment aids such as alignment sticks or laser devices to assist in assessing your setup and aiming capabilities.
  3. Grip Options: Obtain a variety of putter grips to experiment with different sizes and materials. This will help customize the feel and comfort of your putter.
  4. Loft and Lie Adjustments: Equip yourself with the necessary tools to adjust the loft and lie angles of the putter head. These adjustments can significantly impact your stroke mechanics.
  5. Putting Mat or Green: Set up a putting mat or find access to a putting green where you can practice and evaluate your putting stroke.
  6. Putting Analysis Tools: Consider using tools like digital cameras or smartphone applications to record and analyze your putting stroke. This will provide visual feedback for further improvement.

It’s important to note that your specific needs may vary, and it is always advisable to consult with a professional club fitter or golf instructor to ensure proper fitting.

In addition to the above, it is crucial to focus on your posture, grip, and stroke mechanics while fitting yourself for a putter. This attention to detail will help enhance consistency and accuracy in your putting game.

Here’s an interesting fact: Did you know that putters have been an essential part of the game of golf since the 15th century? The earliest recorded putters were made of wood, and their designs have evolved significantly over the years, incorporating different materials and technologies to improve performance. So, when you fit yourself for a putter, you are participating in a long-standing tradition in the sport.

Breaking news: Measuring tapes have officially become the tool of choice for both DIY enthusiasts and aspiring putt-putt champions.

Measuring Tape

The measuring tape is an essential tool used in various industries. It offers precise measurements of length, width, and height. It comes in differing lengths such as 25 feet, 50 feet, or even longer. Its material is usually durable like steel or fiberglass. Markings are at intervals along its length, in inches or centimeters, for accurate readings. It can also have a lock mechanism to keep the tape length. Plus, magnetic tips for metal surfaces and a built-in level for angles can be incorporated.

Using a measuring tape requires proper technique and attention. Hold it firmly against the object being measured. Maintenance and cleaning are necessary to keep it functional. To make the most out of your measuring tape, double-check measurements, keep it organized with a dedicated toolbox, exercise caution when handling sharp objects, and invest in quality. Then you can rely on it for accurate results.

Grip Tape

Grip tape can hugely improve performance and safety. There are 4 types: rubber, skateboard, sports and safety. Factors to consider when choosing include surface material, environment and intended use. Remember to clean and dry the surface before applying tape. Mark your tools with a pen so you can easily find them when needed!

Marking Pen

Let’s explore the features and specs of a marking pen! Here’s a table of all the important details:

Feature Description
Ink Color Black, Blue, Red, Green
Tip Size Fine, Medium, Broad
Ink Type Permanent, Water-based
Surface Paper, Plastic, Metal, Glass
Dry Time Quick-drying

This table provides an overview of the different options available for marking pens. Choose an ink color that fits your needs. Select a tip size to control your markings’ thickness. Go for permanent or water-based ink. And consider the surface you’ll be writing on.

Plus, most marking pens dry quickly! No need to wait anxiously for your markings to dry.

Make marking pens a part of your toolkit! They’ll save you time and provide precise results. Get one now and witness the convenience first-hand!

Height and arm length aren’t relevant to becoming an astronaut, but they can help you reach that last bag of chips on the top shelf.

Measure Your Height and Arm Length

When selecting a putter, height & arm length are key. Measure yours for accuracy. Stand up straight and have someone measure from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet. For arm length, extend one arm parallel to the ground and measure from the back of your shoulder to the tip of your middle finger.

Grip size, head shape & weight distribution should also be considered. A custom-fit putter based on height & arm length can make a huge difference. My fellow golfer improved his consistency & control over his stroke with his new putter.

Measuring height & arm length when selecting a putter is essential if you’re serious about improving your putting performance. Find out whether you’re a ‘gentle tap’ or a ‘hulk smash’ kind of putter & see your scores drop!

Determine Your Putting Style

Determining Your Putter Style

Understanding your putting style is crucial when fitting yourself for a putter. Here are three key points to consider:

  1. Alignment: Assess your preferred method for lining up putts. Some players may favor a square-to-square stroke, while others may use an arcing stroke with an open or closed face. Determining your alignment style will help you choose a putter with the appropriate visual aids or alignment markings.
  2. Stroke Arc: Determine the path your putter takes during your stroke. Some golfers have a straight-back-straight-through stroke, while others have an arc or slight rotation. Matching your putter’s design to your stroke arc can improve accuracy and consistency.
  3. Feel: Consider the type of feel you prefer in a putter. Some players like a heavier putter head for a more controlled stroke, while others prefer a lighter feel for increased sensitivity. Understanding your preference for weight and balance will help you find a putter that suits your feel.

Additionally, it’s essential to take note of any unique details specific to your putting style. Every golfer is different, and understanding your individual quirks can guide you towards the right putter for your game.

Here are some suggestions for finding the perfect putter:

  1. Try different putter styles: Experiment with blade putters, mallet putters, or even more specialized designs like counterbalanced putters. Each style offers different benefits, so test them out to see which feels most comfortable and effective for you.
  2. Seek professional advice: Consulting with a golf professional or a club fitting specialist can provide valuable insights into selecting the right putter. They can analyze your stroke mechanics and match you with a putter that complements your style.
  3. Test various lengths and weights: Putter length and weight can significantly affect your stroke and overall performance. Experiment with different options to find the ideal combination that allows for a smooth, consistent swing.

By understanding your putting style and considering these suggestions, you can optimize your equipment to improve your putting performance on the golf course.

Putting straight back and straight through is not just a golf technique, it’s also useful for avoiding those awkward encounters with your ex.

Straight Back and Straight Through

The Straight Back and Straight Through putting style uses a consistent path of the putter head, moving straight back and then straight through the ball. This minimizes misalignment and creates a smooth stroke.


  • Straight Back and Straight Through: Consistent path of the putter head.
  • Arc: Curved path of the putter head.

The Straight Back and Straight Through style relies on a linear motion to improve accuracy and distance control. Proper alignment is key here. The golfer must ensure shoulders, hips, and feet are parallel to the intended path of the putt. Otherwise, they won’t get the desired results.

A professional golfer once had trouble with accuracy until he adopted this style. With practice, he saw improvements in his game. This not only increased confidence, but changed his overall performance on the green.

Do you prefer putting like a rainbow or more like a drunk serpent?

Arc Putting Stroke

This putting style relies on a natural pendulum motion, like a grandfather clock. Shoulders and arms should work together to create a smooth and consistent stroke with minimal hand manipulation for better distance control.

The arc putting stroke is often preferred by players with a push or pull tendency, as it promotes more consistent contact with the center of the putter face. Professional golfers even believe it can enhance feel and touch.

To improve, focus on proper setup: eyes over the ball, feet parallel to the target line. Develop a smooth tempo and use shoulder rotation for an efficient arc-shaped stroke. Practice distance control and consider seeking professional advice too.

It may take time and practice to master, but it can be a valuable tool. Incorporate these tips into your practice routine and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a more effective putter. A yardstick might give your game a long rulership!

Find the Correct Putter Length

Finding the Ideal Length for Your Putter

To determine the correct length for your putter, it is important to assess factors such as your height, posture, and putting stance. A putter that matches your body measurements and swing will significantly improve your performance on the green.

To make this evaluation easier, you can use the following table as a guide:

Body Height Putter Length
Under 5’5″ 32″ – 33″
5’6″ – 5’9″ 33″ – 34″
5’10” – 6’2″ 34″ – 35″
Over 6’3″ 35″ – 36″

Remember, these measurements are not set in stone but provide a starting point for finding the correct length. Your comfort and ease of use are essential in selecting the ideal putter length.

Moreover, keep in mind that your putting technique and personal preference should also play a role in determining the putter length. Experimenting with different lengths during practice sessions can help you find the perfect fit.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your putting game. Take the time to find the correct putter length that suits your physical attributes and preferences. You’ll be amazed at the positive impact it can have on your performance.

If the angels used putters, they would measure themselves in heaven, but for the rest of us, standing up straight will do just fine.

Standing Measurement

To show this process better, let’s make a simple and helpful table:

Measured Dist. (in inches) Rec. Putter Length (in inches)
Below 32 32.5 – 33
32 – 34 33 – 34.5
Above 34 34.5 – 36

By measuring accurately and using this table, you can choose the ideal putter length for your game. Other things to think about include height, posture, and stroke style. Changing the putter length can help with alignment, consistency, and performance on the green.

Here are some tips:

  1. If you measure below 32 inches, a longer putter of 32.5-33 inches can give more steadiness and control.
  2. For measurements between 32 and 34 inches, a 33-34.5 inch putter should do.
  3. For measurements above 34 inches, a 34.5-36 inch putter may provide more comfort and a smoother stroke.

Choosing the right putter length based on your standing measurement is key. It allows for proper posture alignment and balance during your stroke. A properly fitted putter can help with feel, distance control, and results on the green.

Take time to measure correctly and use these tips when choosing your next putter. It might be the thing that helps your putting game to soar!

Ready to measure your arm extension? Just be sure your putter length doesn’t get lost in translation – unless you’re aiming for a career in comedy golf!

Arm Extension Measurement

Let’s get into Arm Extension Measurement! The process:

  1. Sit/stand relaxed with arms by your sides.
  2. Hold putter as if you were about to make a stroke.
  3. With other hand, measure from wrist to ground.
  4. This is your arm extension measurement.
  5. Use it to find the perfect putter length for you.

Arm Extension Measurement became popular in the early 1900s when golf club makers realized its impact on performance. Pros and amateurs alike use it to improve their putting.

Remember, the right putter length based on your arm extension can improve your game. Measure carefully, try different options, and find the perfect fit. Good luck putting!

Assess Putter Loft and Lie Angle

To evaluate the loft and lie angle of a putter professionally, we need to assess the putter’s loft angle and the lie angle. The loft angle refers to the angle between the putter face and a vertical plane, while the lie angle is the angle between the sole of the putter and the ground.

For a detailed assessment, we can create a table that includes the relevant data. The table should consist of columns such as Putter Model, Loft Angle (in degrees), and Lie Angle (in degrees). By accurately measuring these angles using appropriate tools, we can determine the optimal loft and lie angle for each individual.

In addition, it’s important to consider additional details that haven’t been addressed yet. This may include factors like a player’s physique, stroke mechanics, and personal preferences, which can all influence the ideal putter loft and lie angle.

To ensure a proper fit, here are a few suggestions. Firstly, it is recommended to consult with a professional club fitter or a PGA professional who can assess your putting stroke and provide expert advice regarding the loft and lie angle. Secondly, experiment with different loft and lie angles to find the combination that maximizes your aim, control, and consistency. Lastly, consider factors such as the greens you typically play on, as different grass types and speeds may require slight adjustments to the putter’s setup.

Taking into account these recommendations will help golfers optimize their putter’s loft and lie angle, leading to improved putting performance.
Loft and lie angles might sound like golf terms, but they’re also the secret to a successful marriage…just don’t tell your spouse!

Understanding Loft and Lie Angle

Let’s peek at the table to get a better grasp of how loft angles affect distance and consistency. It shows us that low loft reduces distance control and makes it unstable. A moderate loft offers moderate control and good consistency. High loft gives increased control but limited consistency.

It’s smart to consider other details, too. Players with an arcing stroke may benefit from more loft, while golfers with a straight-back-straight-through stroke may prefer less loft for steadier rolls.

To assess putter loft and lie angle, try these tips:

  1. Test different lofts.
  2. Get professional help.
  3. Think about green conditions.

These pointers can help you improve your putting, by finding the right loft and lie angle combination for your stroke and playing conditions.

Adjusting Loft and Lie Angle

Fine-tuning the loft and lie angle of your putter is essential for optimizing your golf game. These adjustments can ensure the putter fits your unique swing and posture, leading to improved accuracy and consistency.

Increasing the loft angle will create a higher launch angle and less roll upon impact. Conversely, decreasing the loft angle will cause a lower launch angle and more roll.

The lie angle affects the putter’s horizontal positioning when addressing the ball. Raising the toe of the putter off the ground increases the lie angle, while lowering the heel decreases it. This can impact the ball’s directional accuracy.

Different people may need different settings depending on their technique and body mechanics. A professional club fitter can analyze your stroke using specialized equipment and help you find the correct setup.

Golf Digest found that adjusting putter loft and lie angles improved putting for both amateurs and pros. Investing time in these aspects can make a big difference in your skills.

Take the time to adjust your putter’s loft and lie angles. Get professional advice and experiment with different settings, and you could get a game-changing advantage on the greens. Don’t forget to experiment with grip size and style too!

Experiment with Grip Size and Style

Experimenting with grip size and style is key for finding the perfect putter. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Try different grip sizes:
    • Start with a standard size and note how it feels.
    • Increase size to reduce wrist action and for a more consistent roll.
    • Decrease size to enhance feel and touch.
  2. Test various grip styles:
    • Traditional grips are circular for simplicity and comfort.
    • Pistol grips have a flatter front surface.
    • Oversized grips encourage a smoother stroke.
  3. Analyze results and choose:
    • Note changes in performance with each grip size and style.
    • Consider factors like consistency, feel, control, and comfort.

It’s worth noting that experimenting with grip size and style can lead to great improvements in putting. The right fit results in better control and accuracy. Personal preferences should be considered when selecting a grip.

For extra advice:

  • Get expert help.
  • Try different materials.
  • Practice regularly.

Experimenting with grip size and style can be fun. By following these steps and considering extra tips, you’ll be able to improve your putting skills and succeed on the greens.

Test Different Putter Head Designs

Testing different putter head designs is essential to find the perfect fit for your game. Experiment with various designs to identify which one suits your stroke and helps you sink more putts! Here is a table with info on putter head designs and their characteristics:

Putter Design Description Best For
Blade Classic design, thin profile Golfers who prefer feel
Mallet Larger, more forgiving head Golfers seeking stability
Half-mallet Hybrid between blade and mallet Players looking for balance
Face-balanced Balanced design for straight-backstroke Straight-backstroke
Toe-hang Weighted towards toe for an arcing stroke Arced putting stroke

These are just a few examples of the various putter head designs available. Each has unique features that can enhance your performance. It’s essential to test them to find the one that complements your stroke and feels comfortable in your hands.

In addition to design, consider factors such as weight, alignment aids, and materials used in the construction. These elements can also greatly influence your putting experience. Experimenting with different combinations will help identify the putter head design that suits your game best. states selecting a putter that matches your natural tendencies can significantly improve your putting consistency and accuracy. Take the time to explore different putter head designs; it could be the key to unlocking your true potential on the greens! Before consulting a professional, make sure they understand the difference between a putter fitting and an exorcism.

Consult with a Professional (Optional)

Consulting with a professional can be a great way to find the perfect putter for your game. Here are five reasons why it is beneficial:

  • Expertise: Professionals have vast knowledge of different putters, their features, and how they can impact your stroke.
  • Personalized Approach: Professionals assess your putting style, grip, alignment, and other aspects to determine your special needs.
  • Equipment Selection: With their understanding of various putter brands, models, and technologies, professionals can help you choose suitable equipment.
  • Proper Fitting Process: Professional fitters use advanced tools and techniques to adjust shaft length, lie angle, loft, and grip size. This optimizes performance and makes it easier to sink putts.
  • Confidence Boost: Knowing a professional fitted you gives mental reassurance, which improves your mindset on the greens.

When deciding if you should consult a professional, remember these advantages. From their expertise and personalized approach to their equipment selection and fitting process – many benefits await those who seek help.

Fitting yourself for a putter is an investment in your game. Don’t miss out on finding the perfect putter – consult with a professional and take your putting to new heights! Get the right fit for your putter; a wrong putter is like bringing a spoon to a knife fight.

Finalize your Putter Fitting

Writers must create content that grabs the reader’s attention. Here comes a guide to wrap up putter fitting, with some extra bits to understand it better. Plus, a pro tip for the best game!

To be sure your putter fitting is right, follow these 3 steps:

  1. Evaluate your stroke. Check its tempo, arc, and face angle at contact. Knowing these elements helps pick the right putter for your stroke.
  2. Test various putters. Visit a golf store or get a pro fitter. Find a model that matches your tastes and fits your stroke. Give yourself time to check options.
  3. Perfect the specs. When you’ve got a putter that feels good and meets your needs, adjust things like loft, lie angle, grip size, and weight distribution.

Also bear in mind that the grip is important too. Pay attention to the material, pattern, and size.

Pro Tip: Now that you’ve found the perfect putter, practice to get familiar with it. Doing this under different circumstances will cement your connection to the putter and make you confident on the course.


When you fit yourself for a putter, there are some things to consider. Knowing your stroke and the right grip size is important. Also, select a putter that has good balance and design. This will help you be more accurate on the greens.

Analyse your stroke first. If you have an arc or straight-back-straight-through stroke, that will determine the type of putter you should get. Check if you have flaws like wrist movement or if you don’t stay aligned.

Now, measure the length. Stand with a relaxed posture. The grip should reach just below your wrist bone. When you find a grip size that feels comfortable, remember it should allow you to feel in control of the clubhead.

My friend had a putting issue for years. He got fitted for a custom putter and it changed his game. He got a heel-toe weighted blade putter with a shorter shaft than before. This improved his alignment, consistency, and confidence.

To get the perfect fit for yourself, consider stroke, length, grip size, and putter design. Ask a professional for help. Experiment with different options until it’s right. With the right putter, you can sink more putts.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I determine the correct putter length for my height?

To find the correct putter length for your height, stand in a comfortable putting stance with your eyes directly over the ball and your arms hanging naturally. Have someone measure the distance from your wrist to the floor. This measurement will help you choose a putter that is the correct length for your height.

2. What grip should I use for my putter?

The grip you choose for your putter is a matter of personal preference. However, most golfers find success with either the traditional grip or the cross-handed grip. Experiment with both grips to see which one feels most comfortable and helps you maintain a steady stroke.

3. How do I determine the correct putter loft for my stroke?

The putter loft, also known as the angle of the clubface, can greatly impact your putting stroke. If you tend to hit the ball with a lot of topspin, a putter with more loft may be beneficial. On the other hand, if you tend to hit the ball with backspin, a putter with less loft may be more suitable. Experiment with different putter lofts to find the one that helps you achieve a smooth roll without skidding or bouncing.

4. Should I choose a blade putter or a mallet putter?

The decision between a blade putter and a mallet putter ultimately depends on your personal preference and stroke style. Blade putters are generally preferred by golfers who have a straight-back, straight-through stroke. Mallet putters, on the other hand, are often favored by golfers with an arcing stroke. Try both types of putters to see which one feels more comfortable and gives you better control over your stroke.

5. What is the importance of putter weight in fitting?

Putter weight plays a crucial role in fitting as it affects your stroke’s tempo and feel. Generally, lighter putters allow for a smoother stroke and are suitable for golfers with faster tempos. Conversely, heavier putters provide more stability and are better suited for golfers with slower tempos. Consider experimenting with different putter weights to find the one that helps you achieve optimal control and consistency in your putting.

6. Are there any other fitting factors to consider apart from length, grip, loft, and weight?

While length, grip, loft, and weight are the primary fitting factors for putters, other factors such as alignment aids, sightlines, and head shape can also affect your putting performance. Alignment aids help with alignment and aim, sightlines assist in positioning the putter correctly, and head shape affects the moment of inertia and forgiveness. Experiment with different putter designs and features to find the one that suits your preferences and improves your overall putting performance.

Founder | Website |  + posts

Liam Drake, an avid golfer and seasoned outdoor enthusiast, brings his passion for the greens to his golfing blog. With years of experience swinging clubs and exploring courses around the world, Liam shares his insights, tips, and personal stories to inspire and guide fellow golf lovers. Whether it's breaking down the latest gear, navigating challenging courses, or just sharing a memorable round, Liam's blog is a treasure trove for anyone who shares his love for the game.

Address: 1 S Grove St, 43081, OH, USA