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Mastering the Art of Putting: A Guide on How to Use an Arm Lock Putter

The arm lock putter is a must-have for golfers aiming to ramp up their putting game. Its unique design offers stability and control, so you can hit with greater accuracy on the greens. Knowing how to use it properly is the key to taking your putting to the next level.

Grip pressure is an important factor when using the arm lock putter. Unlike traditional putts, which require a light grip, this club needs a firmer hold. This gives you more stability and helps you maintain a consistent stroke. To harness maximum control, keep your grip pressure steady throughout the stroke.

Body alignment is essential too. Line up your shoulders parallel with the target line, and position your feet slightly open or closed – whichever feels better. This will reduce side-to-side movement and improve your accuracy.

For a smooth pendulum-like motion, avoid any jerky or abrupt movements. This will help you make clean strikes and control your distance.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Invest time on the practice green and implement these tips, and you’ll soon see improvements in your putting performance.

What is an arm lock putter?

An arm lock putter is a golf club that’s become popular among pros lately. It’s a variation of the classic putter, designed to help golfers stabilize their stroke and improve their accuracy on the green.

The golfer’s forearm rests against the shaft, creating a locked position which minimizes wrist movement during the swing. This reduces yips, jerks that occur when putting under pressure. It also eliminates excessive wrist action, helping golfers maintain a steadier motion and control distance and direction.

To use an arm lock putter well, golfers need to focus on their setup position. Grip firmly but relax, and keep proper alignment and posture throughout the putt. A forward press is also beneficial – lean slightly towards the target before starting the backswing. This helps establish a more stable position and smoother motion.

Practice regularly with this putter to develop muscle memory and gain confidence. Try different grip pressures and body alignments to find what works best for you. Unlock the benefits of using an arm lock putter and start sinking those putts like a pro!

Benefits of using an arm lock putter

Arm lock putters offer lots of advantages for your putting game. Stability and alignment help you make a consistent stroke. A pendulum-like motion minimizes wrist action and reduces tension in arms and hands, giving a smoother stroke.

You’ll get better accuracy and distance control with arm lock putters. The stability helps you keep a straighter line, and the pendulum-like motion prevents jerky movement. Plus, you’ll have less tension in your hands and arms, so you can have a relaxed grip and better touch and feel.

This style of putter came about in the late 80s when PGA Tour player Rocco Mediate experimented with it. Recently, Bryson DeChambeau and other pros started using it too. This putter is becoming more popular, and could be a great addition to your golf bag. Let’s unlock your potential on the green and learn how to use an arm lock putter. It’s time to bend the rules and sink more putts with style!

Step-by-step guide on how to use an arm lock putter

To master the art of using an arm lock putter, follow this step-by-step guide. Enhance your technique by focusing on grip and stance, achieving proper alignment and aim, and perfecting the putting stroke. These sub-sections will provide you with effective solutions to improve your arm lock putter skills.

Grip and stance

To effectively utilize an arm lock putter, proper grip and stance are essential. Here’s the scoop:

  • Gripping the arm lock putter is different from conventional putters. Place your top hand above the bottom hand to create a “lock” between the forearm and shaft.
  • Press your hands forward a bit to enable a pendulum-like stroke with control over the putt’s direction and speed.
  • For stance, golfers using arm lock putters usually stand more upright than with other putters. This helps keep stability throughout the stroke.
  • Position feet shoulder-width apart for a solid foundation. Balance your weight evenly on both feet for stability.
  • Have a relaxed but firm grip on the club for better feel and control.

Practicing grip and stance techniques is paramount for mastering the arm lock putter. Devote time to refine this part of your game and you’ll soon see improved putting skills.

Now a story of gripping and stance technique. A pro golfer was stuck with his putting until he switched to an arm lock putter. He worked hard on his grip and stance, and his performance drastically improved. His confidence on the greens led to several tournament victories.

Remember, the right grip and stance while using an arm lock putter can transform your putting abilities, leading to better scores. If you can’t putt properly, blindfold yourself and let fate take over!

Alignment and aim

Position yourself parallel to the target line. Feet should be shoulder-width apart. Eyes directly over the target line for a clear view. Gripping the putter with a light touch. Hands and arms as one unit. Square stance throughout the stroke. Align your shoulders, hips, and knees to target line. Focus eyes on spot before ball. That spot is your aiming point. Visualize rolling the ball along that line. Make a smooth stroke with your shoulders. Wrist firm, no excessive movement.

Practice these techniques for accuracy and confidence. Master alignment and aim to sink putts. Start practicing today for better results tomorrow! Precision is essential, maximize potential with arm lock putter. Happy putting!

The putting stroke

  1. Grip lightly with relaxed fingers and palms.
  2. Stand comfortably, feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Line up parallel to the target.
  4. Move the putter back in a smooth, controlled motion.
  5. Let the putter follow through after striking the ball.

Golfers may have unique preferences and physical attributes, like arm length or height, that affect their putting stroke. To perfect your technique, practice each aspect of the putting stroke regularly. Through repetition and intense practice, you’ll become better on the green.

Tip: Keep your grip relaxed for better accuracy and distance control.

Avoid common mistakes, like mistaking an arm lock putter for a weapon on the course – it’ll get you banned!

Common mistakes to avoid

When using an arm lock putter, there are some common errors to avoid. These mistakes can hurt your game and prevent you from getting the most out of this special putter. Knowing how to fix them can help improve your putting skills.

  1. Gripping too tight: A common mistake is gripping the arm lock putter too hard. This can restrict your wrist movement and make it difficult to have a smooth stroke. Instead, try to hold the putter with a relaxed grip for smoother motion.
  2. Wrong start position: Another mistake is having an incorrect setup position. Make sure your eyes are right above the ball, and your shoulders are in line with your planned target. This helps ensure the alignment and accuracy of your putting stroke are correct.
  3. Weak tempo: Keeping a steady tempo is vital when using an arm lock putter. Don’t rush or decelerate on impact. Practice maintaining a steady rhythm throughout your putting action for more control and consistency.
  4. Not doing drills: Don’t forget to practice drills to improve your putting with an arm lock putter. Incorporate drills that focus on alignment, distance control, and acceleration into your training to develop muscle memory and enhance your performance.

Keep in mind, practice is key for any golf technique, including using an arm lock putter. As you become more familiar with its details and fix these common mistakes, you’ll see improvements in accuracy and distance control.

Pro Tip: Try different grip styles to find what feels best for you when using an arm lock putter. Some golfers prefer an overlap grip, while others find success with a claw or cross-handed grip. Figure out what works for you and practice regularly to perfect your skills.

Show off your arm lock putter expertise and watch your opponents quiver as you sink putts like a mob boss getting rid of informants.

Tips for improving your putting with an arm lock putter

Use an arm lock putter to improve your putting game! With the right technique and mindset, accuracy and consistency will improve. Here are some tips:

  1. Make sure your hands are aligned parallel to the shaft for a solid connection with arms and putter.
  2. Use your forward hand as an anchor against your lead forearm. This will provide stability and a smoother stroke.
  3. Set your body parallel to the target line for a consistent swing path and improved accuracy.
  4. Focus on a fluid, pendulum-like motion. Avoid abrupt movements as they can affect the smoothness of the putt.
  5. Experiment with different loft angles to find the one that works best for you. Loft helps create topspin and reduce skidding.
  6. Practice regularly to refine your technique and build muscle memory.

Using an arm lock putter may feel unfamiliar at first, but with time and practice, you’ll become more comfortable and confident. These tips work by promoting stability, alignment, fluidity, and consistency – all key elements for better putting performance. So, lock in your putting skills with an arm lock putter! Don’t let your putting performance give you the ‘yips’ – it’s just golf.


The arm lock putter is a powerful tool to improve golf. It has a unique design and features that provide stability and control. Let’s explore the conclusion of the arm lock putter.

Arm lock putter offers an advantage to golfers. It anchors your grip against the forearm, which limits wrist rotation and creates a consistent path. It also allows better control over distance and accuracy due to its long shaft. The counterbalanced weight of the club serves to keep stability in your swing.

It may take time to get used to the feel of the arm lock putter. However, its benefits make it worth investing time and effort. Practice with proper alignment and grip pressure for optimal success.

Pro Tip: When using the arm lock putter, keep a light grip. Too much tension can reduce control and touch. Keep a relaxed yet firm hold to maximize its potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does an arm lock putter work?

An arm lock putter is designed to help golfers stabilize their putting stroke by reducing wrist movement. This is achieved by gripping the putter with the lead arm extended and locked against the golfer’s forearm, creating a more consistent and repeatable stroke.

2. How should I grip an arm lock putter?

To grip an arm lock putter, place your lead hand on the grip as you would with a regular putter. Then, position your trailing hand so that it rests against your lead forearm, creating a locked-in position. This grip allows for more stability and minimizes wrist movement during the stroke.

3. Do I need to make any adjustments to my setup with an arm lock putter?

Yes, when using an arm lock putter, it is recommended to make a few adjustments to your setup. Stand slightly taller to accommodate the longer shaft length, position the ball slightly forward in your stance, and ensure your arms are extended and locked against your lead forearm. These adjustments will promote a more effective and controlled putting stroke.

4. Can I use an arm lock putter if I have a different putting style?

Yes, an arm lock putter can be used regardless of your putting style. Whether you prefer a straight-back-and-through stroke or an arced stroke, the arm lock putter can provide stability and consistency to improve your putting performance.

5. Are there any specific drills to practice with an arm lock putter?

Absolutely! Here are a couple of drills to enhance your arm lock putter technique:
– Pendulum Drill: Swing the putter back and forth like a pendulum, focusing on maintaining a locked-in position throughout the stroke.
– Gate Drill: Position two alignment rods or clubs on either side of the putter head to create a gate. Practice swinging the putter through the gate to ensure a square and straight stroke.

6. Can I use an arm lock putter in tournaments?

Yes, arm lock putters are allowed for use in tournaments. However, it’s always advisable to check with the specific tournament rules to ensure compliance. The popularity of arm lock putters has grown, and they have become a trusted tool for many professional golfers.

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Liam Drake, an avid golfer and seasoned outdoor enthusiast, brings his passion for the greens to his golfing blog. With years of experience swinging clubs and exploring courses around the world, Liam shares his insights, tips, and personal stories to inspire and guide fellow golf lovers. Whether it's breaking down the latest gear, navigating challenging courses, or just sharing a memorable round, Liam's blog is a treasure trove for anyone who shares his love for the game.

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